Why Taekwondo is a Great After School Activity

KOMA Taekwondo
August 20, 2019
There are so many after school activities to enroll children into nowadays that it can be hard to decide which one to pick! It can be overwhelming at times when there are so many great options. Here are 6 reasons why Taekwondo is a great after school education:
It Keeps Your Child Active
Taekwondo is an activity that helps with flexibility, strength, balance and coordination. It’s an individual-based activity, which is perfect for those children that can’t find a team sport that works for them. You can read more about how individual sports might benefit your child here.
They Have Fun
We believe in having fun during class! This means we sometimes teach by playing games to keep your child engaged while learning taekwondo.
Quality of instruction your child receives is important to us. That is why our instructors spend time each week learning techniques, drills and games to make each class fun and productive.
Keeps Them Off Electronic Devices
Being in an active after school activity helps keep children off of electronic devices and moving their body. Technology may also be causing attention spans to drop significantly.
Taekwondo not only gives them time away from screens, it also helps with their focus and attention span. We see a dramatic improvement in our student’s focus from joining at white belt to becoming black belts.
We Help Them Build Character
Not only does Taekwondo focus on being active, we believe that building character comes first. Our teachings are centered around focus, respect and confidence. You can read more about how we help build character through taekwondo here.
Our Classes Are Only 45 Minutes Long
All of our classes are only 45 minutes, and you are never locked into a specific class time. All we ask is that you attend classes twice a week. Not only does this help students learn the curriculum, but it also helps them keep a schedule and create good habits.